Sunday, February 19, 2012

Miss Flirty is Awesome

Last fall I decided to move Flirt down to the preferred level in agility due to her bicep tendinitis, this is something that I try to treat symptomatically as it's not curable. On long weekends of running agility she would come up lame and I wanted to be able to play agility for a long time with her as she LOVES it and I feel I made the right decision.   After a couple of trials we are back in the world of excellent, yeah.  She finished the weekend with an absolutely gorgeous run, the rest of her runs were very nice too, well except for the ones were her handler bobbled and if it was not for Flirt we would not have Q'ed, gotta LOVE her. :)


  1. Good choice -- I think I will run all my Cardis at Preferred from the beginning so we can do it forever! Go, Flirt!

  2. That is great for both you and Flirt! Congratulations.

  3. Lucky Flirt! I am looking forward to the day I can move Jimmy down to 8 inches. He's a small boy but unfortunately still measured into 12 inches. Our MACH is still a long way off so it will be a while, but 8 sounds great for his body! And I am sure alot more bars will stay up!
